Friday, March 20, 2009


This is going to b Dead Wife's biggest show to date. I'm going to tape my drumsticks to my hands for this one.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Here is the art for an upcoming 4 plate Litho project. I'm going to cut out the little guys after.

Friday, March 13, 2009


My band Dead Wife is playing an art party tomorrow night so we decided to get crafty and create a whole bunch of "sustainable" merchandise made out of our fashion-informed refuse. Like here- you see that we've taken spreads from our discarded Star and InTouch magazines and have emblazoned our band name across them with acrylic paint. And hey, some of these headlines are still relevant: "Nicole's Pregnant!" - who knows, maybe she still is?

And here- I had some split-fountain flats leftover from a screenprinting project just laying around the apartment, with no specific purpose. After all, it's not decorating season-yet! So we collaged over these as well:

We are looking forward to seeing how far we can push these vile objects on people. If people like 'em we'll totally make more.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

to T.O

Check out this rasterific collaboration by me and fellow psychotic insane person Lisa Czech.
It's for a show our band is playing in Toronto, like, omg - tomorrow!


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